
Jeremiah and Lamentations: Crossway Classic Commentaries is unavailable, but you can change that!

The prophet Jeremiah warned Judah for forty years of God’s impending punishment for her flagrant disobedience of his commands. The many messages of judgment, though, were mixed with promises of the mercy Judah would receive if only she would repent. The weeping prophet lamented over the people’s obstinacy and the resulting calamities, yet always reminded them of the hope they would find in God’s...

is like saying, “Take heart, do not be afraid of them, for that would mean you are unworthy of being supported by the strength of my Spirit.” From this we learn that God’s servants will not lack strength as long as they derive courage from the conviction that God himself is the author of their calling. God will give them strength so that they will be formidable to the whole world. 18. Nobody cared about religion or heavenly truth, and Jeremiah was so diffident that he could not shoulder such a heavy
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